
Fantastic article about some real esoterica America

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This was amazing. I have no children yet, but I daydreamed about my future homeschooled son at 9 years old being required to research and give a presentation on something he enjoyed, and it being on this topic. I seriously cannot imagine being mauled by a bear, my scalp being cut off, and continuing on the expedition. Having survived it! 😂

I enjoy backpacking and seeing the wild, and I’ve yet to experience the west much. These men make it seem like it’s a piece of cake. I can’t imagine hiking hundreds of miles in unknown territory up and down mountains, through a desert where it’s hot up into winter conditions. Did they seriously carry coats and such? I imagine they made what they needed when they did, I know I do not like carrying a lot of extra weight and gear. These men are a different breed man. 😤 you had to be fucking tough! Keeping your cool when you know you’re going to die, partner dies right next to you, then you have the opportunity to run your ass off and hide in a river. This is nuts.

I’m going to try and pick up those books you recommended, gift to a kid at church, and I want to save this information for my kid because I think any young boy would love this. Maybe one day I’ll have a son to take on an adventure backpacking the trails these folks hiked and trying to “recreate it” as we pretend towns don’t exist as we’ll surely pass through some.

Thanks for sharing. I’m so glad I slowed my brain down enough to read this today. I usually can’t read Substacks. 🫤

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Just finished reading Crow Killer. Highly recommend.

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