How do you know someone is an eagle scout? Easy, he will tell you.

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We could benefit from examples of what successful gatekeeping looks like in practice. However, it is precisely the public notion of gatekeeping being possible that is targeted by the regime as a great crime against it. We are left with having to get smart. Explicitly gatekeeping is for the explicitly powerful.

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I knew it was over when my very successful area, the Pine Tree Council, had its head swapped out for a man from Texas. He proceeded to pay bills 2-4 months late and routinely, actually illegally, bring his sex offender son with him to gatherings. 2009 was the end of good scouting in Maine. I started to wonder if it was sabotage, as until then the organization was growing in my state.

Now the headquarters has been piecemeal sold to dentists and lawyers. The carved Fleur-de-lis on the side having long lost its golden luster. I regret not buying more of those comfy socks while the store was open, the ones I do have are still good after a decade.

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I’m glad I got my Eagle when I did. The changes were just beginning in 2018, and it’s been downhill ever since. At least I can remember the organization fondly before the introduction of girls.

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I want to write a piece about the importance of scouting still.

I never understood just how important the endeavor was until years later. Being able to go camping, hiking, canoeing, sailing, and biking across the state and nation is a really valuable thing for young men. Doing so exclusively with your male peers and developing your own structure and hierarchy to organizing and leading that is even more valuable.

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"Exclusive" it what makes separates consent from R@pe

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