Spring is in the air. And, in what might be the most compelling case for astrology I’ve ever seen, like clockwork this topic of “right-wing women” has returned to the discourse once again. I’m not going to name any names in this article because if you know the people involved, you’ve already said your piece; and for those of you who don’t, by knowing, you will only prolong and exacerbate the very issues laid out below. It seems like every few months, the Twitter dialogue shifts over to focusing on some variation of “The right-wing space is losing women!” and that we must treat this topic with existential dread. This is usually correlated with some major news story involving a notable female figure, but more on this later.
In this “war” between the sexes, the two main fronts for discussion are male anger and female entitlement. Let’s explore these further — ladies first, naturally. Ladies: you are entering the Internet, a primarily male space, and not just the Internet, but esoteric right-wing Twitter, a male space to an even further degree. What an online space provides is a unique environment where woman’s greatest power becomes reduced to such a point where men have a home field advantage. But despite that huge advantage, it still only works in men’s favor part of the time, particularly when you realize that a woman doesn’t even have to show a picture of herself and thirsty guys will still be all over her. Internet discourse by nature is hierarchical, which is a big advantage for men, given that we thrive in hierarchies. By nature of the e-girl not actually being in front of you, her strongest weapon could be rendered useless. Merit carries a disproportionate amount of weight on the Internet. The old post “there are no women on the Internet” rings true here. For a man to gain a following, he must have a profound impact on someone’s thoughts using only his words, whereas a woman just needs to wear a low-cut top or parrot someone else’s talking points. And when women come across a guy who doesn’t quiver at the sight of a low-cut top or female manipulation, the ball is now in the guy’s court, the court of merit, one very difficult for women to control. One would even say that it’s vindictive to hunt down and eliminate anything you don’t have control over, but I’ll be far more charitable to women and mark it off as being something they are by default foreign to and hostile towards. Mate selection, money, self-esteem, boredom, and genuine academic interest are just among the few reasons I imagine women find their way into these spaces. Regardless, they are here, and all of these reasons throw a monkey wrench into a male group.
Making all the e-thots disappear, ignoring the fact it’s impossible, wouldn’t fix the problem either because that is just a scapegoat for a fundamental aspect of intersexual dynamics, i.e., the “women are wonderful” phenomenon. Everyone prefers women to men — it’s part of the machine. The tribes that didn’t protect them died out. This is so ingrained in us that guys will jump on and protect random women they don’t even know in mass shooting scenarios. Just by showing up, you will draw a disproportionate amount of attention compared to what a man would get. By itself that wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing; the problem comes when you acknowledge the benefit when it suits you but blame the consequences on everyone else. Everything in life is a trade-off, equal and opposite reactions. By receiving more attention, you inevitably will draw negative attention as well. This is the nature of the Internet (for men and women alike, I might add).
Frankly, men just grow tired of the whining, particularly in the context of so much preferential treatment (e.g., the richest man in the world will pay for your lawsuit against your former employer when there are literally men sitting in U.S. prisons right now for sharing memes). Don’t try to tell me that being temporarily inconvenienced is anything akin to being locked in a cage as a political prisoner. Yet somehow even this level of support isn’t enough to quell the calls for men to change, once again. Attention is porn for women, which gives them a false ego that tends to increase exponentially with their level of attractiveness (physical or behavioral). As such, a woman’s ego can get so large as to make her think that every criticism levied at any woman in the world somehow directly affects her, and therefore she must dedicate a large portion of her time to fighting it.
Hilary Crowder is a vile person. She and her husband deserve each other, quite frankly. They brought two innocent kids into the world and are narcissistic enough to think that breaking up a family won’t screw up their own children. And then, to make matters worse, they air out their family problems for the whole world to see. That is not an indictment of all women, nor should it be anything controversial. I can hear the cries of “He hates women!” in the ether as we speak. Nobody hates you, ladies. You can’t claim that a group hates you if they could physically overpower you at the drop of a hat but instead choose to talk to you. Yet you’ll find no shortage of people decrying my mere suggestion that a woman could be a bad person (treating her like a human being, ironically enough), claiming that there must be something wrong with me for even bringing this up. Many such accusations will inevitably be found in the comments down below.
Why is it that every critique of how “men need to do better” always leads back to another form of the same gynocratic regime we live under now? When we say things like “all women are feminists,” this is what we mean. Not to mention the fact that every single person reading this has been trained since birth to see men in positions of subservience rather than authority, as passive buffoons who need to be pussies and cry more. Everyone has been trained to hunt down anger, like a white blood cell attacking an infection, and to smother it immediately. Looking around in 2024, there are a hell of a lot of reasons for men to be angry. And I believe that the absence of such anger has resulted in surrendering the world over to evil.
Anger is useful, and it is natural to the male experience. When a man is angry, the hormones in his brain adjust its neuroplasticity. In other words, this forces him to react to new information quickly, process that information, and take action. Anger is part of the process for men, and this necessary part of the machine has been suppressed for far too long. Because of the infinite nature of social media, no matter what happens, no matter how much you complain, no matter how much you fight: there will ALWAYS be angry men in your comments. Ideally, it won’t be the same angry guy over a long period of time. Ideally, he works past it and puts it to use. But the fact still remains: you can live with anger or get out of the way. Not only do men have a right to be angry; they need to be angry. Removing this essential part of the male machine has left us with disastrous results. I suspect that this is a major reason why critiques of someone like Andrew Tate often miss the mark.
The problem with Tate is not that he is “disrespectful to women” or that he “incites anger,” whatever those ambiguous terms mean; it’s that he puts forth a hollowed out, “Wal-Mart” masculinity that teaches guys how to be part of a fan club, rather than confident and capable men. Stuff like that actively causes me problems. “The Matrix is after me! They can’t let you hear this!” and “The feminist cabal is keeping me down, man!” are cries of Omegas. Ladies, every time you try to entice men with brownie points or try to scold men into “denouncing,” “debunking,” and “disassociating” from “mean men,” you are forcing me to close ranks around the very people you are trying to attack. Misdiagnosing male issues and leading them astray is asking for trouble. And I’m the one who’s going to have to clean up the messes that these guys are dead set on making. Sorry, ladies, but this is not helpful; in fact, this is actively hindering. I’ll be far better equipped to deal with the problems in my own house than you ever will. Same goes for men trying to “fix women.” Men have listened to female advice for at least four generations now, so we’ve heard it all before. And more importantly, we’ve tried it all before, and it hasn’t worked. This female advice is just a polished way of saying, “Get back in the longhouse.” It’s akin to you quickly grabbing a jug of liquid to douse a fire, but what you think is water is actually gasoline.
If you can’t go a week without claiming you are a victim because some random account with two followers sent you a picture of a Stefan Molyneux egg carton meme, you aren’t gonna make it. I don’t care that your feelings are hurt; I have work to do and more important things to worry about. I am not my sister’s keeper. My responsibility is to the people in my immediate sphere of influence, and random e-girls aren’t in it. Feminism is nothing more than the weaponization of the male protector dynamic for its own purposes. For those women who have earned the place of being in my inner circle, it is right for me to want to protect them. To expect them to fend for themselves is unjust and is to treat them like they are men. If you are obsessing over a woman needing to agree with all of your political opinions, then you are looking for, as Sam Hyde so eloquently put it, “a man… a man with Asperger’s.” Not all women are going to agree with all of your opinions, and that’s perfectly fine; they don’t need to. The only women’s opinions you need to worry about are those of the women whom you have chosen for your inner circle. For all intents and purposes, the only woman who “needs” to be right-wing (to whatever extent women can be) is your wife or girlfriend. Everyone else is not your responsibility.
Being “disrespectful” to a woman, other than my own, is not a deal-breaker for me. I’m looking for allies and business partners, in a space where organization is everything. What another man does with his woman is none of my business. I care that a man is useful first, and that he is beloved second. Ladies, you are a disruptor of the space immediately when you walk into the room, and it doesn’t matter your intention. Yet men still engage with you because, first off, we like you, and second, there is a lot of value that women can and do provide — things that men and, more broadly, civilization itself need. I have no clue how to help a young woman navigate the world we live in today. The only thing I’d be qualified to tell her is how to be a good woman for me. Which applies to such a negligible proportion of women in the grand scheme of things that it wouldn’t even be worth addressing. And I’m more or less convinced that men, but especially young men and virgins, have zero business telling women what they should be doing. We aren’t equipped for it, and we are far more different than what the mainstream would have you believe. This isn’t so much a rejection of patriarchy but rather an acknowledgment of the realities of the medium in which we operate, the power we actually have, and a healthy understanding of elite theory. It’s the height of hubris to think that you have the answers when your knowledge of the subject is rooted entirely in the abstract. Both sides are guilty of this, mind you. Endless cries of “All women are whores!” and “All men are abusive!” are coming from the mouths of people who haven’t even had their first kiss.
The men are going to have to fix the men, the women are going to have to fix the women, and the elites at the top of each are going to have to have dialogues with each other so that we may push forward together. It has become very clear that the many aren’t mature enough to have these conversations, only the few. For every one MedGold, there are 10,000 AlphaWolf69s. On the flip side, posting a cherry-picked thread 47 tweets long laying out examples of all the mean things men said to you isn’t helping your case, either. Especially considering how you have already won, given that arguing with a woman is effeminate behavior anyway.
A final word for the fellas: You’re damn right you should be pissed off. Now channel that into something productive, and maybe I’ll add you to my team. Do you really need to open your mouth just to hear a response that will undoubtedly be some variation of: “That guy is fat, that guy is poor, that guy is a player, that guy doesn’t respect women, etc.…”? Notice how even in these criticisms there is no substance? It is nothing but shame, and it is therefore devoid of any legitimacy. Why would you engage with a woman calling you a misogynist any sooner than you would with a leftie calling you racist? You have better things to do, and if you don’t, then go find some.
For most of you, the only solution is not to engage. It’s futile to try to change anyone’s mind. The space is never going to be entirely policed (nor should it), it’s impossible to ban women of any sort from the space entirely, and engaging only results in distracting us from the actual work we need to be doing. Ah, yes, let’s reduce some of the most important topics of our age down to a game of tattletale on the playground. Are we winning yet? Women will always be in “our thing” — a good thing, too, considering what an important part they play in this as well. I’m not one for “blocking all women” — even though it can be a sensible strategy — because I do find value in the interesting women I associate with. I doubt that it’s a coincidence that most of them are mothers, but crucially, they also don’t try to be the center of attention. They don’t talk about “real men” or try to police the space. I don’t have to watch what I say, lest drama ensue, because they are cool. We have many disagreements, and they still say annoying things — I imagine that they say the same about me — but we get along and have good dialogue. I do not care what topics they wish to touch on, unless they start poking bears or start seeking excessive attention. If you want to be in a male space and engage with men, then don’t you dare start drama or demand that things change to accommodate you. If you can avoid doing that, stay clear of this one tree in the garden, sensible men will engage with you in good faith. To quote Pulp Fiction: “Bitch, be cool!”
My favourite line: “…given that arguing with a woman is effeminate behavior anyway.”
So true!
“Oh heavens! The simp has fallen in love with the E-Girl!”- Lord Redhawk