Thanks for the review!

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Wokal has a dream, that his four little smoke rings will one day live in a Canada where they will not be judged by the colour of their vapours, but by the content of their chemical stimulants.

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I think assimilation is “possible”(in my imagination) through intermarriage. The foreign parent would have to not pass their culture to the children. Then the children are woven into the greater fabric of our culture. Is what I mentioned a solution to anything? No since in reality most people want to pass their culture down to their children and most people marry in their ethnic groups. Also it seems that children of intermarriage have severe identity issues, and in our current culture they will identify with whatever part of themselves is non white.

About what the appropriate number of immigrants is I have been considering it being some number proportional to the population as a whole. Without doing the math I originally thought 0.1% but that’s way too high. ~333,000 this year.

I think 0.025% might be the upper limit (always ok with lower personally) . That’s ~83,250 this year. In 100 years that’s ~8,500,000 total running that through a cumulative interest calculator.

0.0125% would be 41625 this year and in 100 years that’s ~4.2 million total immigrants rounded up.

Big issue is the low white birth rate. That really needs to above replacement. Maybe a break from immigration is in order until that is the case. That way we don’t get replaced in own homes.

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I agree the only assimilation is literal. The imports ultimately intermarrying as the Irish and Italians did. That happens quicker with culturally adjacent peoples of course, namely Europeans. Presumably West Indians or West Africans would be absorbed into the black community.

However I think the entire rationale for immigration is wrong. We don't need anyone, and it provides a get out clause for businesses. Plus it erodes wages so immigration on the table at all becomes too tempting for a quick fix.

If we absolutely had to import into Western nations I would avoid numbers. Just put a salary threshold of $500k. If you absolutely must have a Japanese finance director then go right ahead if you are paying him a fortune. That automatically selects for all sorts of useful things.

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Great article. Thank you for writing it.

I agree about assimilation being a false god. I personally feel they are keeping it up their sleeves when it becomes apparent the imports are not playing along and are creating enclaves. The weaker conservatives will acknowledge the failure of multiculturalism then wheel out assimilation as the next Big Effort costing billions.

Those who even approach the subject of CULTURAL differences never mind ethnic or genetic differences faces censure. Yet even a casual jaunt through the literature demonstrates the absolute disaster culture mixing will bring. If we are lucky our countries will look like Brazil. If unlucky it will be South Africa.

The Hindu example is excellent. I am in the UK and it is apparent even after three generations they categorically reject assimilation. This is not some failure, but literal rejection by them. They steadfastly embrace their own identity to the extent they send their sons to the old country for brides and yet we are berated for our racism. The progressive mindset truly is destructive.

This of course just triggers the next stage, that we must accept our new many-cultured country and change to accommodate all the tensions they said would not appear. And all of it kept in check by the use of the R word to keep us in line. How did it come to this?

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This all depends on how you define what an American is, surely? The problem l see is that culture and identity are fluid, changing over time, and the definition of American is a good example of this, started off very narrow but expanded gradually over time. If you ask 10 people to define what an American is you will likely get at least eight different answers id say, arguably 10, its not a fixed definition, it is highly subjective at best.

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But it is not African, Indian or Muslim, just to pick some examples. Whatever it is it must be comfortable with American history, for example. Yet those "conservative" Hispanics are offended by statues in southern states. So I think you can make a distinction between the difficulty in pinning down anything too narrow and the stark differences in some people who will never embrace America. Does anyone think Ilhan Omar embodies American values? She seems to hate the country.

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