
I'll probably write a follow up this piece as well on my main blog, there's a lot more to discuss and bring in here.

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It's "eponymous" not "titular."

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A potential poison within the effect of autoamputation lies where "Nothing Ever Happens" bleeds over into personal lives and relationships. The drowning of signal in meaningless noise obviously also occurs outside the arena of politics, which you touched on regarding multitudes of data points and fandoms. It would be interesting to explore this deeper; at the threshold where the political becomes the personal, or where social media data overload on the lives of others, causes us to shut out these information sources with the unintended consequence of creating an inhibitor to personal agency or withdrawal from social groups . Whilst we shield ourselves from the slop by declaring that Nothing Ever Happens, where positive aspects of one's own life are concerned we must not forget to Make Things Happen.

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I will address this in a future essay.

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I feel like we need more "nothing ever happens" attitude for Catholics whenever the Pope says anything.

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"The past went that-a-way. When faced with a totally new situation, we tend always to attach ourselves to the objects, to the flavor of the most recent past. We look at the present through a rear-view mirror. We march backwards into the future." -- Dr. Marshall McLuhan

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