I am interested in this idea greatly. The street drug addicts are getting out of control. If people are actually trying to make this happen I would be interested in talking to them.

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I am still pursuing this. I would love any help or guidance if there be any.

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I hope many will take this proposal to heart. It has obvious tactical and strategic advantages in our current times. It is an income opportunity that will only grow in the near future. It can be started on a shoe string, especially if obtaining contracts and hiring are coordinated. Understanding local regulations and salesmanship are the key to success.

I had this same idea and approached a friend belonging to a militia which I thought were well situated to transform themselves from a scary threat to a welcome protector of the community. It was too many decades early, the threat of the regime was not as apparent and most of the membership already had good jobs. I seemed like a paranoid crank, but even I have been surprised at the speed and extent of clown world. Now is the time and fighting age men are ready.

I don't think the generations are significant. As a Boomer I remember having the same thoughts about the older folks as people have now about my cohort. Only the quickening of changes have made each generation appear to have unique characteristics, but people are people. The fact that such cultural transformations have occurred so fast indicates that the reversal and return to normalcy can happen even faster. We got here against the will of most and once the trend going back to tradition is initiated it will be applauded, maybe secretly at first by many but full throated once it is seen as inevitable. Those who think the use of total force is necessary and talk of Caesar or Napoleon are over thinking. We really need a George Washington (or a few like him) to get the ball rolling and see it through and most will be happy.

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