This article feels like an intentional attempt at arguing against illegal immigration from the "left" side of our political paradigm. Or, in the least from a humanitarian, pro labor view point. While interesting, it clearly has a blindspot for the welfare of the American people, themselves, and misses the mark by summarizing the vast differences of humanity and how it affects societies as "petty racialism". In any case, curious to see more articles from Palmer.
My interests are in defending the rights of American workers and my people in general. Illegal workers being taken advantage of comes after they have taken advantage of Americans by coming & staying here illegally, to take advantage of a society their people didn't help build, don't belong to and which actively disposess and harm Americans. The resistance that should be fully embraced, is remigration through reforms that punish corporations that for hiring non citizens, taxing remittance and cutting off all aid for housing, food, transportation etc for illegals and no federal funds to NGO's.
Most of this I can agree with, but I cannot sit squarely with Mr. Palmer saying that racialism is idiotic.
This article feels like an intentional attempt at arguing against illegal immigration from the "left" side of our political paradigm. Or, in the least from a humanitarian, pro labor view point. While interesting, it clearly has a blindspot for the welfare of the American people, themselves, and misses the mark by summarizing the vast differences of humanity and how it affects societies as "petty racialism". In any case, curious to see more articles from Palmer.
My interests are in defending the rights of American workers and my people in general. Illegal workers being taken advantage of comes after they have taken advantage of Americans by coming & staying here illegally, to take advantage of a society their people didn't help build, don't belong to and which actively disposess and harm Americans. The resistance that should be fully embraced, is remigration through reforms that punish corporations that for hiring non citizens, taxing remittance and cutting off all aid for housing, food, transportation etc for illegals and no federal funds to NGO's.