When I was very young, from my first awareness and memories until perhaps the end of middle school, I recall that the spectating of the main American sports of baseball, football, and basketball1 were the raison d’être for many social gatherings involving my family and those around me. Even the ancient gatherings in the celebration of birthdays and anniversaries, or the festivals surrounding Christmas and Easter and Thanksgiving, inevitably centered around the spectating of those sports. The vast majority of the gatherings would start with the preparation of food; then came the entrance of the various guests; then started the lively conversations around either one large or many medium tables; and then the festivities would come to a taciturn end as everyone migrated from the dining room to wherever the couches and television might be.
This example is very moderate, however. It is nothing compared to the households which decorate their property and accessories solely in specific colors with specific corporate logos. It is weak compared to the heated arguments over the ability and records of various teams and athletes that seem to be so common in a great many homes. My example is fossilized and nostalgic, as the spectating is simply the last connection left for the older family members to any of the physical action. Other families are younger, more passionate, and still yet have only recently experienced the thrill and exertion of partaking in the sport.
I am, however, inclined to believe that my family and those around it are closer to normal than the diehard loyalists. I come across less and less heated arguments, or even discussions, over records and abilities as time goes on. The energy seems to be greatly diminished as compared to a few years ago. Conversations on the subject now seem barely to flash, fizzling immediately, contrasted to the long, crescendoing conversations that I once more commonly overheard in school.
Connected to the above trend was skyrocketing popularity among especially young men of refusing to participate in anything to do with sports. Sportsball became a new pejorative, though those attracted to this newer view of sports consumption and participation tended to be antisocial, usually unfit, and they often possessed an overinflated sense of importance. My observation here was no better illustrated than in the common critique of educational organizations primarily focusing their resources on sports facilities and teams and whatever else. The majority of the anti-sports crowd, especially the youngest, were vindictive against the schools and the athletes. It wasn’t just that this money and social prestige was going from these institutions of education to a completely tangential field. No, the main fault of the institutions was that they had not elevated this often-wretched underclass of usually underachieving-to-mid-level nerds. It wasn’t that all of these resources and societal prestige were going immediately towards purely consumptive ends, like entertainment—very high-time-preference behavior indeed! No, it was that it was going to the wrong, useless, unproductive ends. It should have been theirs!
New Opposition
As this line of thought gained a meager, outsized following on social media, with the more antisocial elements gradually fading away as the trend gained its own social prestige to award, other events heavily changed the demographics of the anti-sports trend. The sports organizations swung Leftward. The state of sports, particularly the state of the most popular organizations, very quickly became a pertinent political issue. Given the demographic shift that occurred in American sports in the last century, coinciding with the wider societal slide to the Left, it should really be unsurprising that Black Supremacy became a vocal contingent of the most popular organizations. Like any major organization after the turn of the millennium, these sports organizations caved, which also kept with their industry’s history of going along with whatever social developments were most popular. The only ones left untouched in any meaningful number today are the most local organizations.
The promotion of Black Supremacy, and the concurrent promotion of homosexuality, transsexualism, and whatever other elements of the Cultural Revolution, rightfully drove a great many people on the Right against the majority of sports organizations. This started in the mid 2010s and, especially after 2020, has only amplified. Over the course of these few years, the lay of the land changed dramatically. It seemed for a while that the standard right wing position was to oppose the sports industry, be it because it is the regime’s bread and circuses, because a Leftist agenda was being pushed2 in a form of psy-op, or because it was escapist and diversionary from productive activity.
The Contrarians
This swing against sports coincided with a conflicting trend on the Right. Many traditionalists outside the mainstream began to reemphasize the important role of physical development for young men in particular. An old American aesthetic surrounding exclusive, local sports clubs began to take root again while high-minded traditionalists appealed to Greek aphorisms related to the necessity of physical fitness for mental fitness. Though these two groups only somewhat overlapped, they were the seeds for a contrarian voice in favor of sports. Joining these contrarians was a new group that could only exist because disliking sports became the mainstream opinion: the diplomats. These people found the zealous rejection of the sports industry by normal people, mostly after the events of 2020, to be far too off-putting. If the Right is to be successful, they reason, then it needs connections to good and sympathetic people. These good and sympathetic people all love sports, so rejecting the spectating and emotionalism wholesale is a losing strategy.
As when anything on the Right becomes popular, the contrary, counterintuitive position becomes trendy and edgy and gains a following from the caliber of people who would be drawn to such a scene. A whole cottage industry of engagement farming exists surrounding people whose only notable trait is to be a contrarian who countersignals any popular dissident realization about the workings of the world. In some cases, the contrarians serve the practical purpose of guaranteeing that the wider sphere of dissidents do not become monomaniacal. Although, because their intentions are not necessarily to the truth, the mob of contrarians will typically swing hard in the other direction until they become the mainstream dissident opinion. This cycle is not just limited to sports, and it can play out over the course of years.3
The Reality of the Situation
Now that we have taken inventory, we can examine what is happening in the world and determine what must be done. Presuming that the myriad dissident factions want to win, or at least want their nations to cease being dissolved, any tools of the current regimes must be hindered—the more the better. Sports—the spectating, the teams, the associated television channels and streaming services, the colleges and universities, the stadiums, the commercials—are decidedly being used against normalcy. Commercials over-represent certain demographics and relationships to the point that a good segment of the population think that such things are more common and more popular than they are close to being. The television companies that profit off of broadcasting the competitions are also decidedly out of our hands, and irreversibly so; that whole industry needs to die and make way for mediums in which we are present at all. The colleges that benefit from the income of the sports industry are no more on our side than anything mentioned so far. It is these institutions in particular that are the driving force of feminism, promiscuity, sodomy, polyamory, and Leftism. They receive great profits from these competitions.
Most important out of all of these things is the spectating. How many hours are consumed impotently staring at screens and their commercials, a “privilege” that is obtained by directly paying the aforementioned television companies. How much money is spent by normal people—people who find the perversions pushed by these companies to be disgusting—for the privilege of sitting in their stadiums?
To look at this from a different vantage, how many hours and how much money are we losing to people who hate us that could have been used for something would benefit us? How much less could our enemies do if we didn’t have customs centered around consuming the regime’s bread and circuses, conveniently mixed with our enemies’ rancid propaganda?
If you want young men to be healthy and fit, promote local sports clubs and get them to actually participate in the action. Stop promoting this sham of an imitation and its accompanying gluttony because it has the airs of masculinity and fitness. If you want to bring back an old American aesthetic, find something that you control that would promote and benefit old Americans. Most importantly, if you want to succeed, if you want to defeat your enemies, stop funding them, and stop giving them your time. Support your friends and locality instead.
While not a “main” or even American sport, golf, both spectating and playing, was also very popular in my family, though less so in others.
And funded by their profits.
The best non-sports illustration of this is the broader dissident sphere’s opinion on Puritans. Every few years, they oscillate from being the origin of the modern Left to being heroes with conviction.
I will recommend wrestling. It is a sport that is not commercialized, is open to boys of all sizes, you don't have to be a super athlete because skill and hard work can be enough to make the difference, and it fosters individual responsibility and a toughness that no other sport can match. I will admit as a former wrestler I am biased.
Professional sports of any type is like a trip back to my childhood, watching my grandfather's reactions to Mid-Atlantic championship wrestling in the early 70's. It always amazed me how he could be so enthralled with something so obviously contrived. But he sure did get wound out about it.