Oct 21Liked by Radical Liberation

I’m reading some of Camus’ essays and I think it’s important to bring to mind that alongside being for the Periphery as a people we must also reculturate ourselves— that is, have knowledge and understanding of our heritage and their culture and to practice it in our lives so that it becomes as water is to fish or air to the birds.

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Glad to see Renaud Camus mentioned! His writings on the Great Replacement are certainly relevant here.

Get the translations from Vauban Books:


or listen to my series on him:


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"The fake inverted and unnatural hierarchy that exists at present cannot subsist, authority drains from them, no one respects them, nothing can stop this. Natural order will reassert."

-- Academic Agent

“Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust Him for His grace; Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face. His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding every hour; The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flow’r.”

– William Cowper

Going through C.S. Lewis's Narnia series, and the Space Trilogy has reawakened the medieval mystical worldview and wonder in me, reminding of God's providence and the reality of the spiritual world (Lewis was trying to warn the West in "That Hideous Strength," it's all real and we have been lulled to sleep with materialism, by enemies I think are possessed by real dark spiritual entities Lewis was aware of in his prior occultic studies).

Chesterton and Tolkien as well. Ryan Reeves lecture: Lewis and Tolkien: G.K. Chesterton, Myth, and the Imagination: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McnaNqj_vA4)

No matter what happens, my treasure is safe (this quote below with hurricane Helene in mind as so much around us was destroyed, yet we can still move forward in confidence as Christ is King (Ps. 73:25-26) and a wider eternal perspective is in mind (2 Cor 4:16-18), all things working to the good (Romans 8:28). We can rush into death itself rejoicing (1 Cor 15:55), remembering what's on the other side of the river of death in Pilgrim's Progress.

“When a man’s eye is closed on Christ and the eternal world, he cannot stand the shock of his afflictions; but if his eyes clearly see Jesus, you may take away houses and lands, his dearest earthly possessions, his loved ones, still his chief treasure is untouched.”

– Robert Murray M’Cheyne

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"As Moldbug is often quoted, you must “become worthy” — not to lead, but to be led by a Great Man of History."

I think this is what so many on the so-called New Right have been casting about for, even if left unsaid. Somehow it is still uncool to say it.

Who will be our Franco? Is he waiting in the wings?

I sure hope so

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History is made and heritage maintained by those men who act, not those who wait for a leader

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Until the time when a leader is absolutely neccesary. To expect all men to always "act" in all times and all places is akin to blank-slatism, it's a call for the "New Soviet Man". When things get really really bad, men need a leader. Full stop. We aren't living at The End of History, we're living in it.

I am no Great Man, and I suspect you aren't one either. There will be another, eventually. Hopefully. But not right now.

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A period of crisis approaches. Heroes will rise to fight the darkness.

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Excellent piece. I first heard of you through your bioleninism YT video. When Pete told me about OGC, I was really excited to see that you were part of it.

Regarding Haiti, I understand a lot about the political and social activities that created the current country... but what is the best source for finding more details on this "demonic pact" that I keep hearing about?

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Hear, hear!

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