Karl Popper's "Open Society" worldview must be destroyed, or our home and people are gone forever. He wasn't trying to "heal the world" he was introducing poison to the European Western mind as an attack preparing for invasion as we were the last people capable of stopping their global power grab - https://files.catbox.moe/usr33c.png

As eugenicists like Salk mass poisoned our people - https://files.catbox.moe/x3cahs.png & https://files.catbox.moe/piwtn4.jpg while they boosted the 3rd world population, preparing to invade the Camp of the Saints, which along with CJ Engel, I believe is eschatological - https://files.catbox.moe/in4gx0.png & https://files.catbox.moe/6h1j5o.png

"Our country is not a sports team. It is not a corporation. It is not an economic zone.

It is our home. To God be the glory."

-- Andrew Torba

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Saying they're restarting East India Co could have been a better pitch.

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Elon and Vivek are right. There is an engineer tech worker crisis that's been going on in America for decades and nobody has been doing anything about it. Silicon Valley gets the cheap Indian and Chinese labor; universities get the higher tuitions to pay for the academic fat cat salaries; the left gets the chain migration that results from it; the right gets the lobbying kickbacks from corporations to preserve the status quo. So nothing changes. What they should be doing is incentivizing more American high school kids to go into engineering instead of liberal arts or business majors.

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Right on the money. Almost all of our problems can be traced to K-12 education in America over the past 60 years.

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I'm curious, if Vivek and Elon aren't Americans, then what are they? They certainly have done more to help this nation than most. The insult is accurate, like it or not. We can reverse the dismal K thru college mess, but not overnight. Until then, it doesn't seem like brain surgery or rocket science to manage the visa system to our advantage, both as a nation and an economy.

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They are foreign entities, just like a German in Japan or Chinaman in Nigeria. As for the insult, it is actually not entirely accurate and misses the point. The issue is not so much Americans are not capable… but that the visas are cheaper and can essentially be made indentured servants. Moreover, countries we are supposedly “losing to” like China and Japan, are not following this logic of mass importing Indians. India is supposedly this cash cow (pun intended) of tech talent, yet it is a low IQ hell hole that is propped up and funded by the West. There are way too many inconsistencies here to boil it down to “American dumb, Indian smart.” The intent may have originally been to poach and skim the highest of talent… but just like every other immigration type visa and policy, it has been abused to support wealthy elites at the expense of American workers. We have seen the same song and dance with shipping factories overseas… feigning border incompetence to mass importing refugees (see cheap labor)… TPS that is actually not temporary and is another cheap labor/remittence scheme… Hart Celler which was not supposed to change the demographics and then literally did exactly that almost immediately. We are always sold with nonsense promises and BS excuses, when in reality it is just a load of crap. We are a Nation, and we have a right to assert that over endless line go up bullcrap.

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Have to clarify nation vs country.

American is a race, they are hyphenated American guests. Black people are Americans by country, but Africans by race, African-Americans. That's not saying this isn't their home, it's clarifying nation vs race and who founded this country.

White Americans are American by race because whoever conquers the nation sets the host race for that nation, that's why "European-American" isn't a thing. America is a White homeland with specific genetics - https://files.catbox.moe/q5mkk6.jpg

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This concept is difficult for normies to digest. They can't distinguish it from "racism" (whatever that means).

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This article makes it very clear what they are. They are international businessmen who find the business conditions most favorable to them to be on American soil. You can see this in how Musk operates at the state level. After South Africa and then Canada, he came to California. Like his home country, when things got tough in California he didn't stay and fight, he moved to Texas. If California makes a better counter-offer, he'll come back and leave Texas.

Why? Well, he isn't a Californian. His ancestors didn't build it from nothing the way Californian's did. It was never home to him and never will be since he comes and goes as a hotel guest. It was just a useful place to set up shop until it wasn't useful anymore. He has never expressed concern about Californians, their heritage, the tidalwave of immigration that saw them rapidly reduced from a 90% majority to a 37% minority in the decades that he was doing business there.

If I come to your town and use it to my advantage, but leave when it isn't to my advantage anymore, am I your fellow townsman, or am I a guy who used it and left? Musk is in it for Musk. Were he a loyal countryman, he never would have abandoned South Africa and left his people to the fate they are suffering now nor would he have left Canada and in turn left California. His focus wouldn't be Mars, it would be America and it wouldn't be myopically focused on his ambitions and his alone.

Musks wealth is also almost entirely extractive. Tesla was coddled by massive subsidies and the vast majority of the wealth is paper being generated by the IPO/zero-interest-rate regime that has done so much to impoverish and weaken Americans and America. Looking at the net cost benefit of the EEV project, every day more awaken to the fact that it cannot scale financially or ecologically. SpaceX is government contracts.

Are any of those enterprises essential to America? If they folded tomorrow would America end? Or, if they continue would America, a real America not an America In Name Only be destroyed forever? The self landing rocket was not invented by Musk. It was invented in the seventies. We don't need Musk. We need an end to the Civil Rights Regime that caused NASA to abandon pursuit of excellence in favor of building out a racial patronage network that led to stagnation and decay.

We need patriotic Americans like Jack Crenshaw, whose only home was ever and would ever by America. A man whose genius got us onto the moon and who built custom, specialized computers by hand to do it. More than that technical genius we need men like him who are unafraid to say that the problem is the death of America and its replacement by a regime that is bent on destroying its core ethnos. Instead we have Musk the pied piper whose answer is to ... ... destroy its core ethnos through replacement migration and fostering a rootless, international cognitive elite.

(See Jack Crenshaw the true hidden figure of NASA: https://www.resonancepub.com/jack-crenshaw/)

As for Vivek, it is proven that he has been a massive net loss to America and Americans. His fortune was made by defrauding American, and international, investors using the American stock market and its below zero interest rate regime. He makes no apology for it. He openly insults the American people. He offers no solutions to our problems, and more important offers no material support or action to contribute to their solutions. His solution is, 'Your culture is inferior to that of my people. Therefore, I am going to import more of my people to replace you.'

I will close with one final thought. The defining feature of a colony is that people of foreign origin and domicile come to a country or region and use it build wealth and power. Their accumulated wealth isn't used to benefit the people of that land. Any benefits are incidental. This is particularly true of a purely business colony since no libraries, bridges, schools, roads, legal systems, social cohesion, heritage and cultural nurturing are invested in. Those investments are investments in the nation; the people. It is purely exploitative. The factory is open until it pays to close it and open it somewhere else. Jobs are less a benefit and more a lure and leverage often wielded as much as a threat as a benefit.

A defining feature of a colony and a conquered people is that the colonizer who can't get his way with the nation, (the people), of the land they have colonized, finally conquers it by importing a new people to provide labor and to administer the colony. (See H1B Visas and see Krishnan as the "AI Advisor" with no AI expertise but an administrator with strong conviction to import a new people to labor and help him administer).

Some conquering colonizers smash the statues, attack the dominant ethnic group, make them second class citizens to a consortium of other ethnic groups and attack and villify the heritage, history and culture of the dominant ethnic group. Does that sound familiar? Looks a lot like 2020-2024 doesn't it.

Other colonizers are more subtle. They smooth talk you. They keep your symbols and call your your former country by its name. They pay minor homage to a few traditions though they hollow them out and ultimately desecrate them. They give speeches and call themselves. "We", and "Us", and try to enlist your support and to aid them in your further subjugation and colonization by enlisting you in a grand venture to win and defeat the external bad guy. Sound familiar? Looks a lot like the tech bros melding themselves to MAGA.

Some colonizers, are very sly. They let one group undertake the overt revolution described in the first group of conquerors. Then, when the conquered nation is desperate for help they step in, the smooth talking latter type, presenting themselves as the solution hoping to be embraced in desperation.

If it looks like conquest and colonization, acts like conquest and colonization, then it is probably conquest and colonization.

We Americans see through it all. On the names, on the blood and on the memories of our American forefathers and for the future of our children who are the future of our nation, we aren't going to accept it.

Mars Exulti!

P.S. Here is what a real American Jack Crenshaw, the man whose only home and homeland is and was America had to say about the true nature of America's stagnation and decay.

"Crenshaw: The question answers itself. We have already been out into Space. Even as we prepared to attempt what was arguably the greatest and most noble achievement in human history, there were those who demanded, “Why should we spend billions to bring back a few rocks from the Moon, when we could be spending that money curing cancer, cleaning up the cities, and ending poverty, hunger, and ignorance?”

After Apollo, these naysayers had their way: the manned space program has been essentially halted. Plans for Mars missions, lunar colonies, and a space station were cancelled. The Space Shuttle, originally designed to SHUTTLE people and materiel to the Space Station, now functions as the world’s most expensive launch platform for communications satellites, mainly because its true raison d’être was never built.

So for the last thirty years, we’ve done it “their” way. We’ve spent literally hundreds of trillions of dollars trying to cure cancer, clean up the cities, and end poverty, hunger, and ignorance. What have we to show for it? Though great strides have been made in cancer treatment, the death rate remains essentially constant. Our cities are dirtier and more dangerous than ever, and poverty, hunger, and ignorance remain. Serious social and medical problems, such as AIDS, Ebola virus, violence, racial hatreds, and war, remain and continue to escalate." - Jack Crenshaw

We don't need Musk or Vivek. We need Americans who love our people and will take our country back. From there, millions of Jack Crenshaws will once again thrive and Indian geniuses can show us from India what a great country they can build of, from and by their own money and their own hands.

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