Great article. Something I didn't see in the article was what I perceive to be the largest incentivization for illegal immigration, which is taxpayer funded basic needs such as food, housing, and healthcare. I remember when California started giving welfare to illegal immigrants. None of the citizens were in favor of it, but when has that ever stopped California? Not only does it incentivize illegal immigration, it incentivizes the WORST type of immigrant. Gone are the days of the noble immigrant with dreams of building their fortunes in the USA through hard work and ingenuity, and assimilating as quickly as possible. Those immigrants simply do not exist any longer and the other side is pretending that they do, but we all understand that pretense is the name of their game. I hope our guys have a game plan for phasing that out without causing the perpetual headline and imagery of children starving in the streets, which seems inevitable. Perhaps they could pass a law that grandfathers in anyone already on these services, but no new illegal immigrants can be qualified. Then it is simply a waiting game until the current recipients cycle through. I don't know, just throwing that out there.

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I don’t know to what degree it’s actual welfare programs vs NGOs with refugee resettlement contracts and the like. Either way there isn’t really a way to do it except ripping off the band aid, which the USAID stuff kinda did but remains in limbo

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Why not go after those who hire illegal immigrants? Make E-verify mandatory for all employers to use. Raid meat processors.

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Search Google books for three branches of government prior to 1850 and you'll see that the three branches intended to check and balance each other are the Presidency, the Senate and the House. The Judiciary being a branch of government is a meme designed to buttress the unconstitutional status quo.

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God speed to the Trump administration in this endeavor.

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Executive orders are glorified press releases. Without a sympathetic bureaucracy, they mean little. Conservatards got us in this position because they told us to not get government jobs. Leftists walked into positions of power. You have to be in government to govern. Temporary Elected officials aren’t going to cut it

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You are right. Further, I suspect that all these magnificent-sounding EOs are just to butter us up for the next (unjustified) wars. Millions of magatards will march out there and not a few will return with limbs missing, but, hey, "It's for the Mission!" Tunnel to Towers Foundation will take care of them.

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They don’t want you to know this, but you can take over the security apparatus. Get into think tanks, the military, banks, etc. being a plumber or selling Substack subscriptions isn’t going to change the world

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Nevermind Trumps willingness to immediately undo what little # of deportations we have seen with his Gold Card scheme... The right has to fundamentally redefine what being an American citizen is, Trump, for all his virtues(that i'm thankful for) thinks American identity can be sold for $5 million a pop.

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We did this whole song & dance with the Gaza Strip; people blackpilled about it from a purely surface read, oldheads showed how their heads stayed on long enough to be old, & flipping the table on Gaza got the surrounding countries to actually make noises about fixing things, which they hadn't done in months.

Trump did not have his life & business upended, refuse the offer to walk away, & be delivered from death by unmistakable intervention of God, not listen to people who never doubted him. Say "I think people paying $5 mil a pop for permanent residency is great, Mr. President. Maybe we shouldn't obligate the American military to defend every foreigner who ponies up & gets themselves in hot water." He listened on HB-1s, he'll listen this time too.

Blackpilling is a personality defect. Hope is doing the right thing when it all seems pointless.

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