Hello Charles. Your article inspired me to do a follow up today on my Substack. I will try to define what great means. I started here: "For many in the MAGA movement, and probably even Trump himself, great means having a roaring economy, a powerful military, and a lot of cool unregulated companies with powerful CEO’s making cool shit and lots of money. This attitude is reflected in the “winning” metaphor that we hear so often from Trump and from many of his capitalist supporters on X. We hear it from Muskaswamy."
The Protestant work ethic predominated until Greater Hollywood came along, and thus the article promotes un-Christian indolence and thus serves as propaganda for consumerism. If the writer of the article does not want criticism of spoiled middle-class boys (inclusive education is only seen as a test pilot by certain schools, NOT any government), then he should support good role models who work, work, work. Being a workaholic was encouraged in the Early Cold War to help the West win (despite degenerate Hollywood promoting idleness in the form of consumerism).
Gas Biz Guy doesn't even understand that the people who are opposed to H-1Bs are literally hating the game, although I can't deny that many of us hate the players as well. The "game" that he tells us to hate is the system that rewards people who don't even take the day off for our most sacred holidays. Working on Christmas, Easter, 4th of July and Memorial Day should be seen as the most un-American things you can do, not something that I have to do to get ahead.
There is no American nation: there are Normans, Anglos, Saxons (southern Englishmen descended from Germans but assimilated into Aenglisc culture in the days of the Count of the Saxon Shore), Highlanders (descendants of Picts), Lowlanders (like Cumbrians) Welshmen, Ulster-Scots, Irishmen, Norse-Gaels (Orcadians, Shetlanders, and the people of Galloway), Hebrideans, Dummonians, West Midlanders (descendants of the people of Logres), Gypsies, Travellers (like Bargees and Showmen), Manx, Flemings, Franks, Jews, and the descendants of traders (which would include Spaniards, French, and Italians). Since there was no difference between short-term workers (like traders), and immigrants, before papers were invented in 1830, this indicates that the eastern European presence dates back to Humber the Hun and the Middle Eastern presence dates back to Mediterranean pirates selling wares in Late Antiquity (and to the Ca'-naan'-ites in 1500 BCE).
Assimilation by Anglo-Normans has resulted in the loss of folk culture, and in the United Kingdom, people are very much aware of racism against Celts and eastern Europeans (which makes Islamophobes in the United States who are of Celtic, Celticized Norman, or eastern European, ancestry, really stupid).
Musk is not Jewish, Indians are WHITES (the caste system inspired the residential schools and Hitler), the strictest definition of "white" is "West Germanic," the British Empire hated nonwhites AND Germans (the tensions can presumably be traced back to the power of the Hanseatic League, which had a monopoly on trade, fish, and salt, as well as the association of the Franks with the Normans), and "American" originally referred to indigenous peoples, with it still being used to refer to indigenous peoples in the 1800s: white Americans were called Alleghenians, Columbians, Freedonians, Appalachians, United Staters, Staters, Vinlanders, New Englanders, and New Britishers. I would think the use of "American" to refer to white Americans comes from the late 1840s, in which the Natives contrasted themselves with the whites (Natives would not have used "American" to describe themselves, and by the late 1840s they had dealt with multiple white countries, the last being the Texans: they would have ended up knowing that the whites called them "Americans" and thus Natives would have rejected the label).
By "the race thing," do you mean that the "weakness" is A), whites feeling guilty, OR B), that white society is based on exploiting and destroying nonwhites, and thus the weakness is that they are parasites who used African slavery and the debt slavery of minorities for society to function? If the latter, this means that knowledge of the system would result in land and monetary compensation, as well as investment in jobs and education, and thus whites would lose their unfair advantage, therefore failing based on lack of talent.
The educational system has been poor since towards the end of the Early Middle Ages, along with culture: both of these things can be attributed to the chaos of the times caused by conflict (such as Mediterranean and Viking piracy).
Brilliant post. What if Trump changed MAGA to MANA. Make America a Nation Again. The confusion about the word "Great" is the source of the problem.
Hello Charles. Your article inspired me to do a follow up today on my Substack. I will try to define what great means. I started here: "For many in the MAGA movement, and probably even Trump himself, great means having a roaring economy, a powerful military, and a lot of cool unregulated companies with powerful CEO’s making cool shit and lots of money. This attitude is reflected in the “winning” metaphor that we hear so often from Trump and from many of his capitalist supporters on X. We hear it from Muskaswamy."
The Protestant work ethic predominated until Greater Hollywood came along, and thus the article promotes un-Christian indolence and thus serves as propaganda for consumerism. If the writer of the article does not want criticism of spoiled middle-class boys (inclusive education is only seen as a test pilot by certain schools, NOT any government), then he should support good role models who work, work, work. Being a workaholic was encouraged in the Early Cold War to help the West win (despite degenerate Hollywood promoting idleness in the form of consumerism).
Gas Biz Guy doesn't even understand that the people who are opposed to H-1Bs are literally hating the game, although I can't deny that many of us hate the players as well. The "game" that he tells us to hate is the system that rewards people who don't even take the day off for our most sacred holidays. Working on Christmas, Easter, 4th of July and Memorial Day should be seen as the most un-American things you can do, not something that I have to do to get ahead.
Well done, my friend!
Now I feel as if I must flesh out what the American nation is.
There is no American nation: there are Normans, Anglos, Saxons (southern Englishmen descended from Germans but assimilated into Aenglisc culture in the days of the Count of the Saxon Shore), Highlanders (descendants of Picts), Lowlanders (like Cumbrians) Welshmen, Ulster-Scots, Irishmen, Norse-Gaels (Orcadians, Shetlanders, and the people of Galloway), Hebrideans, Dummonians, West Midlanders (descendants of the people of Logres), Gypsies, Travellers (like Bargees and Showmen), Manx, Flemings, Franks, Jews, and the descendants of traders (which would include Spaniards, French, and Italians). Since there was no difference between short-term workers (like traders), and immigrants, before papers were invented in 1830, this indicates that the eastern European presence dates back to Humber the Hun and the Middle Eastern presence dates back to Mediterranean pirates selling wares in Late Antiquity (and to the Ca'-naan'-ites in 1500 BCE).
Assimilation by Anglo-Normans has resulted in the loss of folk culture, and in the United Kingdom, people are very much aware of racism against Celts and eastern Europeans (which makes Islamophobes in the United States who are of Celtic, Celticized Norman, or eastern European, ancestry, really stupid).
The difficult thing for whites is the race thing and Jews and Indians know it’s our weakness. The real obstacle for most whites is saying this:
Only whites are Americas
Until you can stomach that, you will always lose
Musk is not Jewish, Indians are WHITES (the caste system inspired the residential schools and Hitler), the strictest definition of "white" is "West Germanic," the British Empire hated nonwhites AND Germans (the tensions can presumably be traced back to the power of the Hanseatic League, which had a monopoly on trade, fish, and salt, as well as the association of the Franks with the Normans), and "American" originally referred to indigenous peoples, with it still being used to refer to indigenous peoples in the 1800s: white Americans were called Alleghenians, Columbians, Freedonians, Appalachians, United Staters, Staters, Vinlanders, New Englanders, and New Britishers. I would think the use of "American" to refer to white Americans comes from the late 1840s, in which the Natives contrasted themselves with the whites (Natives would not have used "American" to describe themselves, and by the late 1840s they had dealt with multiple white countries, the last being the Texans: they would have ended up knowing that the whites called them "Americans" and thus Natives would have rejected the label).
By "the race thing," do you mean that the "weakness" is A), whites feeling guilty, OR B), that white society is based on exploiting and destroying nonwhites, and thus the weakness is that they are parasites who used African slavery and the debt slavery of minorities for society to function? If the latter, this means that knowledge of the system would result in land and monetary compensation, as well as investment in jobs and education, and thus whites would lose their unfair advantage, therefore failing based on lack of talent.
The educational system has been poor since towards the end of the Early Middle Ages, along with culture: both of these things can be attributed to the chaos of the times caused by conflict (such as Mediterranean and Viking piracy).