There has been a gigantic, roiling fight on Twitter since December 25th about the jobs market, H-1B, etc. This fight has continued today with Chris Rufo being absolutely bodied about the state of the current jobs market, status, and income.
Needless to say, his thread drew a fierce reaction from the Frogosphere, myself included. One of the interesting issues which goes largely unaddressed in this whole debate is the problem of status. What exactly does it mean for white men to have college education, to have qualifications and experience, only to be relegated to job positions which 20 years ago were considered fit only for high-school dropouts? This is our society telling quality men who deserve better-paying jobs and higher status to accept less than their full value. It means accepting the possibility of never owning a home or starting a family. For some men, those things are not ambitions, but for most they are. Panda Express? Really?
Even from the ridiculous Boomer attitude of shit-tier, low-paying jobs taking the place of national service in the moral foundation of individual character, this stance is mentally retarded. Many young white guys with credentials have spent plenty of time in their lives up until present year unemployed or underemployed. Corporate firms claim that there is a “worker shortage.” There is no such thing as a worker shortage until unemployment hits 0.00%. Have a shortage in a specific sector? Recruit and train people who have the intellectual aptitude. H-1B is a gigantic factor in why the unemployment/underemployment situation for recent college grads is so bleak. Needless to say, an inability to attain entry-level positions, internships, or semi-required part-time work looks unimpressive on a résumé. Also, Zoomers as a generation make more per individual than other generations at the same point in life because over the last 10 years the minimum wage has literally doubled in some places.
The status heretofore conferred by degree as a legitimating mechanism into the middle class no longer makes sense because it is now an undeniable fact that white people as a whole, but white men specifically, are kept out of the institutions at a systemic level. The entire mainstream argument over H-1B and this Rufo spat miss out on the point. This is an argument about quality. This is an argument about achievement of greater purpose in life than simply working to survive at a subsistence level. It’s about accessing the high-status career institutions of our own country. We are locked out, and we wish not to be. There is no level of “mUh PeRsOnAl ReSpOnSiBiLiTy” which can overcome this for the slightly-above-average-intelligence man and satisfy the goal of family formation. Not everyone can found his own start-up firm, and not everyone should go into the trades. THIS IS A STRUCTURAL PROBLEM, directly resultant from policy decisions.
The real question that most people want answered is this: “Why do I deserve lower status than my qualifications and experience should command?” To exacerbate this situation, little practical help is forthcoming. I recently spoke to an HR counselor for résumé-writing tips and the like. I had many questions. Most of these questions were related to a desire to understand the “why?” of the hiring process. Of course, she was an obviously woke, elderly harpy, and had a copy of This Book Is Gay by Juno Dawson on her shelf in the office. Still, without revealing my power level I got some interesting info.
I wanted to know specifically what the exact process of hiring was from HR’s point of view. By this point, I knew that HR would be insufferably left-wing, but like I said, I wanted info. We really need to know exactly how HR is achieving the results that Bloomberg’s article1 from more than a year ago brags about. One insight that I was unaware of was HR’s usage of software. They use a program called Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to filter people’s résumés. Knowing the name of the program gives us the identity of something to attack. Everyone has known for a decade or more now that HR filters résumés in ways that do not make sense. ATS takes your résumé, compares it to others, and gives you a ranked score. When I asked the elderly HR lady in my interview about this program, she responded that many firms have old software which may not be updated with regularity. This software searches for key words, and if your résumé does not match said words for any reason (including being overqualified), you will not have your résumé seen by a human. This is why a decent bit of gouge2 has been to write your résumé to match a single position you are applying for. Needless to say, this is incredibly time-consuming and tedious.
Why can’t a software program be coded to recognize synonyms? Why can’t this program be coded to accept qualifications higher than those demanded for a given position? Why can’t your HR lady literally use the Ctrl+F function on her keyboard to find specific words on either the application or résumé? What purpose does such a software system have in the age of AI? Why does HR even have a job in the age of AI? These are questions which were not answered.
Of course, the unasked question concerning ATS is: “What likelihood is there that a software program such as ATS is coded to use an intersectional rubric as an equity filter?” I think that it is likely that the outcome of 94% jobs going to nonwhites can only be achieved in this way. Perhaps the HR lady is now simply a lazy local apparatchik, a secondary part of a filter meant to ensure that undesirables don’t slip through the cracks, a political bureaucrat who ensures that the proper outcome is reached. The real discriminating work might possibly be done using ATS. It would be all too easy to make slight alterations to a software program so that it “applies equity” and ranks white men much lower. Given its wide usage among corporate firms, this would make the 94% discriminating outcome in hiring make sense. The 6% of whites who were hired are obviously those who have intersectional markers of one kind or another, such as committed progressive women or the rainbow flag people. To support this theory, the recruiters who actually ferret through résumés once they are filtered through ATS are the lowest-level people in HR departments. They are therefore the least qualified to make hiring decisions, or to judge slight differences in credentials. Are such entry-level recruiters going to be exceptionally competent at their duties? The outcomes suggest that they don’t necessarily need to be.
I was also informed that firms typically tend to ask for all three documents — cover letter, résumé, and application — because they pick “out of the three.” They throw the unused document(s) “out of the window” when making the actual hiring decision. What is the point of asking for it if you aren’t going to use it? What even is the point of a cover letter anyways? I was told by the HR lady that cover letters are used to demonstrate writing ability. Didn’t I do that in college? Wasn’t high school supposed to teach me basic competency in English comprehension and composition? In reality, this filing of documents is the best proof of the Sovietization of the American economy. “Did you remember to fill out your job application forms in TRIPLICATE, comrade?” This is adding additional unnecessary requirements when the legitimation mechanism of education is already supposed to anoint us as “qualified.”
For those of us with a culture of letting our work speak for itself, this way of finding a job is absolutely intolerable. Rather than the way CEOs probably perceive HR departments, HR is a hindrance, rather than a help, in the acquisition of quality candidates. Not all of our people can survive at present by existing outside of the economic system and corporate America. It is in our interest to earn loyalty by getting our people jobs. If Rufo were serious, not only would he work to dismantle Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity laws through lawfare, but he would also work to prove how much of a factor ATS is in the anti-white discrimination in hiring. If it is a factor, we must ensure that the usage of ATS by corporate firms is impossible.
If we cannot get rid of HR entirely, then we must at least take tools out of their toolbox. Someone must make a new software program more conducive to getting our people hired and ensure its usage in corporate America. Change for corporate America is hard and scary, and the cope narrative of “worker shortage” must be broken through. Offer new software marketed towards getting qualified candidates in positions quickly and simply, and much discontent about the current state of the economy would dissipate. It would create a greater sense of transparency and honesty in our institutions. It would earn trust and reduce social conflict. If the Trump administration were smart, it would pass legislation and issue executive orders to that effect.
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A military term meaning something like “street knowledge,” “recommendation,” or “word-to-the-wise”; a term denoting common knowledge but not officially promulgated in documentation.
I recently spent ten minutes poking around the AINO university system. I was researching graduate and certificate programs. Of course, like when I look for a job, all of the imagery excludes people who look like me. I am no where to be seen unless it is on the outer edges or stuffed in the back, and even then, the markers are not of a masculine, confident man who both desires and is desired by attractive women - especially those who look like my mother and my grandmothers and theirs in turn into the mists of time.
Aside from that constant and clearly intentional status hierarchy message and the humiliations it seems intended to create there was a substantive theme here. In just these few minutes I had a look at how far gone and just how colonized our institutions are:
Here is the student list of a Colorado St. professor:
Check out the state school of Pennsylvania. A state that is still majority white and whose people built, maintain and fund those Universities on top of the welfare they hand to non-whites.
The last 30 seconds of this one says it all:
Note the scholarship program. They can't find any poor whites in Pennsyltucky?
Then there is Carnegie-Mellon and its Engineering School. A couple years back I marveled at how Asians were dominating the faculty and administration of its STEM Departments and how they had embraced DIE anti-Whitism. They were bragging about a project to get "diverse", students in and basically coddle them with extra tutoring, financial assistance, even more extra tutoring and self esteem counseling ... ...
I went back to see how well Rufo has done there and how well the woke has been put away.
Here is the directory of their College of Engineering administration:
What is most interesting is that they have opened up a CMU Africa program. Notice how many administration roles are filled by their African project. Of course we know where this is headed and why. The GAE can't compete with China in Africa, so this is yet another continent that the GAE will use to further colonize post-America in order that "We" can win in the competition for who controls Africa. But what about Americans? Why is there no CMU Appalachia project? I mean, West Virginian low borns helped design the rocketry that got us into space just a few decades ago. Why is there no CMU RustBelt project? There is a CMU Inner City project and it is called DIE and affirmative action. In other words, there is something for everyone but us.
The Woke may be put away, but it accomplished its goal. Rufo, having done nothing of substance, is its handmaiden. He is dutifully helping it to consolidate its gains as he sends us away from the gilded path and to the Chipotle and the Panda Express. On top of that humiliation, it isn't even our food to enjoy. You can manage the food court, but even the food won't be of you and your kind. And they wonder why the Anglo Saxon long passed the beginning stages.
It is time for Rufo to prove he isn't a fraud. Even his scalps seem symbolic. I think Claudine Gay, while losing her figurehead position, is still on faculty and making $900K a year. The years she spent doing destructive iconoclasm of American and European culture on Harvard's campus was never mentioned as a problem nor was restitution and restoration discussed or punishment handed out.
He pats himself on the back for a job never really started. Then he says, "Go get a job managing Chipotle!"
I/we say back to him: Go end this system of anti-White discrimination. Otherwise, he looks like just another White striver who got his, but for whom privation, sacrifice and real, meaningful and significant solutions aren't worth sacrificing the perch he can look down from and lecture others about. In post-America, the second lowest status thing you can be is a White man. The lowest status thing you can be is a White man who is proud of his heritage, and connected to his ancestors, himself and his ambitions and those of his children and descendants into eternity.
Rufo is the shining example of what post-America offers White men. You can have status if you pretend to fight the system such that you bolster it, and if you scold White men and tell them to accept their place. You can bolster your position if you promote colorblindness where colorblindness really means that White men must pretend the other races and the government of by and for them don't see color. Moreover, you must never ever speak on your behalf and meaningfully advocate for yourself.
It doesn't end there. Rufo is the consummate poster child of The Regime's Apparatchiks of The Honey-Trap-Pseudo-Right. You can criticize the anti-White discrimination of "affirmative action" if you say it harms Asians. But you cannot say it hurts White men. So what does it offer White men? You can Rufo yourself and miscegenate out. Voila! Your children are now Asian. The wonders, benefits and magic of being, "colorblind."
We must mercilessly shame Rufo as a fraud and challenge him to prove otherwise. In 5 minutes I found those links I posted above. I could have kept going if I had the stomach to see what we all know to be true. This is also why our kind and only our kind will ever be legitimate advocates for us.
If Rufo and the system he guards won't do the right thing, we will become men who, like Romulus, went into the wilderness and suckled at the wolf and who will go out and found a new Rome. With OGC and other organizations formal and informal we are already doing so. It won't be easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is. Chin up men. All is not lost. In fact, we have only been forced to begin to find ourselves again.
Carpe Diem!
DEI is only the last bastard child of the rotten affirmative action regime and American progressivism. Regardless of his apparant commitment to liberalism, Rufo was instrumental in making the mockery of DEI mainstream. It was not possible to laugh at it 10 years ago. IOT achieve that, some care needs to be paid to "boomer con" sensibilities and mantras. However, I agree with the general sentiment and the HR Cartel needs to be dismantled. They are the "commissars" of the administrative state and the enforcers of leftist social engeneering.