I recently spent ten minutes poking around the AINO university system. I was researching graduate and certificate programs. Of course, like when I look for a job, all of the imagery excludes people who look like me. I am no where to be seen unless it is on the outer edges or stuffed in the back, and even then, the markers are not of a masculine, confident man who both desires and is desired by attractive women - especially those who look like my mother and my grandmothers and theirs in turn into the mists of time.
Aside from that constant and clearly intentional status hierarchy message and the humiliations it seems intended to create there was a substantive theme here. In just these few minutes I had a look at how far gone and just how colonized our institutions are:
Check out the state school of Pennsylvania. A state that is still majority white and whose people built, maintain and fund those Universities on top of the welfare they hand to non-whites.
Then there is Carnegie-Mellon and its Engineering School. A couple years back I marveled at how Asians were dominating the faculty and administration of its STEM Departments and how they had embraced DIE anti-Whitism. They were bragging about a project to get "diverse", students in and basically coddle them with extra tutoring, financial assistance, even more extra tutoring and self esteem counseling ... ...
I went back to see how well Rufo has done there and how well the woke has been put away.
What is most interesting is that they have opened up a CMU Africa program. Notice how many administration roles are filled by their African project. Of course we know where this is headed and why. The GAE can't compete with China in Africa, so this is yet another continent that the GAE will use to further colonize post-America in order that "We" can win in the competition for who controls Africa. But what about Americans? Why is there no CMU Appalachia project? I mean, West Virginian low borns helped design the rocketry that got us into space just a few decades ago. Why is there no CMU RustBelt project? There is a CMU Inner City project and it is called DIE and affirmative action. In other words, there is something for everyone but us.
The Woke may be put away, but it accomplished its goal. Rufo, having done nothing of substance, is its handmaiden. He is dutifully helping it to consolidate its gains as he sends us away from the gilded path and to the Chipotle and the Panda Express. On top of that humiliation, it isn't even our food to enjoy. You can manage the food court, but even the food won't be of you and your kind. And they wonder why the Anglo Saxon long passed the beginning stages.
It is time for Rufo to prove he isn't a fraud. Even his scalps seem symbolic. I think Claudine Gay, while losing her figurehead position, is still on faculty and making $900K a year. The years she spent doing destructive iconoclasm of American and European culture on Harvard's campus was never mentioned as a problem nor was restitution and restoration discussed or punishment handed out.
He pats himself on the back for a job never really started. Then he says, "Go get a job managing Chipotle!"
I/we say back to him: Go end this system of anti-White discrimination. Otherwise, he looks like just another White striver who got his, but for whom privation, sacrifice and real, meaningful and significant solutions aren't worth sacrificing the perch he can look down from and lecture others about. In post-America, the second lowest status thing you can be is a White man. The lowest status thing you can be is a White man who is proud of his heritage, and connected to his ancestors, himself and his ambitions and those of his children and descendants into eternity.
Rufo is the shining example of what post-America offers White men. You can have status if you pretend to fight the system such that you bolster it, and if you scold White men and tell them to accept their place. You can bolster your position if you promote colorblindness where colorblindness really means that White men must pretend the other races and the government of by and for them don't see color. Moreover, you must never ever speak on your behalf and meaningfully advocate for yourself.
It doesn't end there. Rufo is the consummate poster child of The Regime's Apparatchiks of The Honey-Trap-Pseudo-Right. You can criticize the anti-White discrimination of "affirmative action" if you say it harms Asians. But you cannot say it hurts White men. So what does it offer White men? You can Rufo yourself and miscegenate out. Voila! Your children are now Asian. The wonders, benefits and magic of being, "colorblind."
We must mercilessly shame Rufo as a fraud and challenge him to prove otherwise. In 5 minutes I found those links I posted above. I could have kept going if I had the stomach to see what we all know to be true. This is also why our kind and only our kind will ever be legitimate advocates for us.
If Rufo and the system he guards won't do the right thing, we will become men who, like Romulus, went into the wilderness and suckled at the wolf and who will go out and found a new Rome. With OGC and other organizations formal and informal we are already doing so. It won't be easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is. Chin up men. All is not lost. In fact, we have only been forced to begin to find ourselves again.
The biggest failure of Boomers is their refusal to see their role in passing down status. That, not money or anything else, is the measure of success for a parent or generation. Has society been stewarded such that your sons' virtue is reflected by his status? It has not, so what our fathers regarded as virtue is itself put to question. Discounting outside factors, if their virtues failed to preserve society for their posterity either they were lacking or had wrong ideas about what constitutes virtue.
Considering our context and outside factors, boomers lack the courage--and often wisdom--to do more than "play the game" they have been given. They refused to recognize the state as a tool they MUST wield to define the rules for themselves, instead seeing it only as an enemy. If the state is not answerable to you and yours--not to mention if it is actively seeking to prevent our people's influence over it--that means war, that means revolution. It is this lack of accepting some form of footing which prepares the future to take back what is ours which disgusts us the most. Instead they choose to ignore it all and accept the offer of our enemies to defend their wealth so long as they only piss it away.
As an aside, there was a notion going around with all of this that America "would never have a class system". That's retarded. You can't expect to preserve status and its associated virtues while refusing to acknowledge their existence. To be clear, we don't want a class system of a foreign people, such as India's--which formed from India's context where the Brahman are of Indo-European admixture ruling over the native race--we want a Saxon class system where first sons of virtue are stewards of blood and soil. The other classes are composed of second sons and free peasants, and aren't seen as lesser as much as complimentary. They too should be virtuous in the mold defended by the first sons, with the chance to be promoted as opportunity permits, but have their own roles to play. Crucially, the classes should not be or become ethnically distinct from one another. But regardless of what American class should look like, there is no such thing as a classless society, and similar to race, ignoring class as a distinction is blinding yourself to an aspect of political reality.
I do NOT think white immigrants (i.e. eastern Europeans or people from the Home Counties), are being discriminated against, since both Democrats and Republicans want educated immigrants, and the Republicans have always wanted WHITE immigrants. Also, I don't think white non-heteronormatives are being discriminated against, or poverty-stricken whites: diversity measures include increasing the number of non-heteronormatives, and Republicans have condemned affirmative action for minorities, women, and the poor.
Since Appalachian people have legislature protecting them from discrimination (I was surprised to find this out), and "white trash," "Poor Whites," "Kallikaks," and hill families from Upstate New York (a la the Jukes), are white ethnics: thus they would not be discriminated against.
The only people who would be discriminated against would be debt-ridden Anglo-Saxons (as they are not poor), and middle class Anglo-Saxons... and the middle class do not need protection: I oppose affirmative action, tokenism, and hiring minorities (like women, 45% of the population), and the poor for less pay, but affirmative action is understandable although misguided.
Whether or not debt-ridden Anglo-Saxons need protection is a different matter obviously, but I do not think they do if they are debt-ridden because they stupidly invested in bad deals (like venture capitalism), or bought houses they couldn't afford: thus I have no sympathy for middle class people of ANY race or sex who lost jobs because of economic recessions and downturns since 1968.
My sympathy is for factory workers who lost jobs because big business had to close down the plants to save money, clerks ranging from entry-level (i.e. people who make working class wages rather than middle-class ones), to ones making over 100,000 dollars a year, who lost their jobs because of layoffs, or food workers and managers who were laid off because of competition.
My sympathies are for store workers and receptionists who lost employment because of downsizing, and for the CHILDREN of alcoholics and the debt-ridden, these children needing a helping hand to get them gainful employment in the face of competition from the middle class.
Blue collar millionaires exist, and there is job mobility for clerks and store workers: people have been saying since the 1950s you don't need to go to higher education. People have been talking about student debt since 1971.
I should say most education in the West (and in socialist countries and formerly socialist countries), is poor,and I believe this can be traced to the Elizabethan period before the Spanish Armada (I think the decline in education can be attributed to the turmoil of the time, including the poor European economy, which in turn dates back to competition between European silver and gold from the Islamic world and East Asia in the 1300s).
There is massive anti-White discrimination in America. It is institutionalized. At this point it is obvious and non-controversial to say this.
China and India are socialist/post-socialist so is their education poor?
The European age of exploration was not possible without massive re-discovery of our Greek and Roman ancestor's science and math. Indeed it ushered in the next European wave of scientific and engineering discovery and invention. Columbus mapped the winds, water tides, currents, land tides ... of the Atlantic crossings and the near entirety of the Carribbean. Other European navigators did the same across the world. Modern physics, calculus and many of their applications... ... were developed and used in the competition for dominion over the oceans amongst the European powers. The initial societal impetus behind those voyages was the fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans.
The European/American prowess in space exploration stands on the shoulders of the giants who showed our prowess sailing and exploring the world's oceans. The latter will eventually be seen as the natural and necessary precursor of the former. All of the evidence examining your claim about European exploration inhibiting our acquisition of knowledge is the opposite of the reality of the matter.
Remember that acquiring knowledge and making discoveries and inventions is different from modern technocratic credentialing that has been mislabeled as education.
As for your point about education in The West, the timeline seems wrong and those claims are falsifiable too. The West invented the systems of education used around the world wherever Occidental man brought them. There are a few other things to consider:
Much of the innovation and technological and engineering progress of the past 600 years took place in Northern Europe and North America and much of it, almost in its entirety was not reliant on the education system as we think of it today. America's education system has declined since the Civil Rights Regime was enacted. Universities went from being a place for a true elite; not to get technocratic training but to be acculturated for the purposes of being statesmen or their advisors helping to run complex states and empires. To be fair the technocracy began in the early 20th century but its downward trajectory was given rocket fuel by the Civil Rights Regime.
All but a tiny amount of what happens in Universities is a waste of time to get people technical credentials and much of it could be taught on the job with a small number of highly technical scientific and engineering tasks being the exception. Even then, the breakthroughs are not happening due to higher education, but due to the brilliance and passion of the people making the breakthroughs as was true from the time of the Greeks, Romans and then the Northern Europeans of the past 600 years. Much of the education the truly brilliant need to do that is the foundational/fundamental training that was once done by junior high or high school.
Of course there are also issues with the measurements of the quality of our system. They are broken because huge segments of the population that can't perform drag down the performance metrics of the very demographic segment of our population that can perform but is being eroded by mass immigration and the societal decay brought on by the welfare state, forced integration and the many destructive ills of post WWII imperial America.
There is a lot more that can be said on these points, but this should suffice and I don't want to bomb the author's post.
I was taught that nostalgia is stupid - unless you think living in the Stone Age or dying from infection in the Early Middle Ages or the Victorian period was good.
The culture of the time was tacky: the Cavaliers were condemned and the ancien regime of Europe was degenerate. In the Middle Ages, Greece and Rome were condemned as the Age of Darkness and the Middle Ages were the Age of Light.
Records have shown grade inflation began in the late 19th century, and it is well-known that Shakespeare and 17th-18th century political cartoons were rude.
The 16th century satirical cartoons used by Protestants and Catholics were also rude, and "European" inventions were in reality introduced Chinese inventions created during the Three Kingdoms period: 18th century inventions like modern chemistry were essentially what alchemists were saying for thousands of years, and alchemy was invented in Egypt and Greece (since alchemy was linked to astrology, it could possibly be traced to the Palaeolithic).
The European miracle was due to the Age of Invention, which were basically just knick-knacks a child could make in their kitchen.
I said in my comment white people are persecuted... white ETHNICS like Celts who suffer poverty in the United Kingdom, and Italian-Americans from poverty-stricken neighbourhoods who join the Mafia due to lack of opportunity (or are victimized by the Mafia).
I said Appalachian people are discriminated against in the South by the descendants of plantation-owners (these Deep Southerners dominating the Congressional Republicans, along with factory farmers and rich businessmen from the American West).
In the United Kingdom and France, you hear talk about poverty-stricken eastern European immigrants, who began arriving in the late 19th century: also, by "white" rightists and radical centrists (supporters of H. Ross Perot and Jesse Ventura), mean GERMANIC.
They may care about Celticized Normans (Richard Spencer is Cambro-Norman), but they don't care about REAL Celts.
Homogenizing whites is stupid: an Englishman, a Basque, and a Finn, have NOTHING IN COMMON.
My sympathy is for poverty-stricken whites like the hill families of Upstate New York and the Pineys of the Pine Barrens, the hill families and Pineys being descended from Dutch settlers.
I have hated the middle class since I was 16, because they care NOTHING for the poor: I volunteer at a church dinner for the debt-ridden and for seniors and their families.
Yes, the seniors are middle class, but they are lonely due to age: I have no sympathy for white collar managers making over 100,000 dollars a year, who go for holidays every year, and live in a big house.
I also worked at a thrift store: I never saw any white collar managers volunteer there.
I intend to increase my volunteer opportunities.
The Republican establishment and the Conservative Lions (both of which hate Trump), don't care about the poor, and neither do the New Democrats or the Blue Dogs: the elites were always and still are gentry, which in recent centuries have been joined by New Money like Ford Motors.
Universities had nothing to do with the descendants of King John (including Martin van Buren and Donald Trump), having power: we do not live in a technocracy, but a system of nepotism in which Conservative Lions and New Democrats get their children into the best schools due to wealth, not merit.
We do not live in a TRUE meritocracy.
I support labour unions and guilds, a wage tied to productivity and shareholding, and getting rid of the cosmeticism that gave thus Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Caitlyn Jenner.
America was NEVER good, being founded by nobility who didn't want to pay their taxes, just like rich people today: the labour movement of the late 19th century tried to rectify this.
There IS no welfare state: Fennoscandia, which has few immigrants, would laugh at you.
If you want to stop migrants competing with native-born Americans, raise the minimum wage so Americans will be interested in horrible jobs, and cultural liberalism has NOTHING to do with a bad economy.
Critics of Marxism will say the Chinese educational system is poor; India's educational system has a Hindu bias about how the British persecuted them, when in fact Indian kingdoms attacked the British first.
I made specific points which can be fact-checked in history and science books, and I know these points based on firsthand experience: I grew up in England and consume British news, including rightist newspapers. It made the news when it was discovered that nearly all the U.S presidents are descended from King John, and Martin van Buren's family tree shows he is descended from King John.
Anyone who conflates Blue Dogs and Bernie Bros should get their heads examined, and I said Poor Whites are being persecuted.
I condemned Obama and Hillary, and Christians HATE Caitlyn Jenner. Two of my great-grandfathers fought against the Soviets in the Winter and Continuation Wars, and my father was on the Russian border in 1988: you will see in my previous comment I condemned Marxism and defended the British Empire.
The neoreactionary movement and the British, Canadian, French, and Russian, conservative movements, would agree that the United States was never good.
I am a Canadian who has voted for multiple local conservative politicians, and whilst you say white people are being persecuted, I did not sit on my ar$e, but instead did something to help poverty-stricken and debt-ridden whites, as well as lonely seniors.
(I should have said at the thrift store and the church we help poor people as well.) Do YOU volunteer or do you think whites should work slave wages and multiple jobs?
It would appear it is NOT the left who are trying to persecute whites, but you and your ilk: either the Big Money Trump rails against, or classical liberals like Little Marco Rubio, Lyin' Ted Cruz, Crazy Carly Fiorina, Sleepy Ben Carson, Jeb "your brother didn't keep us safe on 9/11" Bush, Dubya, "Vice" Cheney, Mitt "human meme generator" Romney, or the late John "failure" McCain.
Trump would agree with everything I have said, and blast you.
DEI is only the last bastard child of the rotten affirmative action regime and American progressivism. Regardless of his apparant commitment to liberalism, Rufo was instrumental in making the mockery of DEI mainstream. It was not possible to laugh at it 10 years ago. IOT achieve that, some care needs to be paid to "boomer con" sensibilities and mantras. However, I agree with the general sentiment and the HR Cartel needs to be dismantled. They are the "commissars" of the administrative state and the enforcers of leftist social engeneering.
Completely agree. I would love to see a shift away from this HR DEI focus.
Another avenue of attack must be making DEI low class.
I know its big idea and somewhat hard to do but it can be accomplished throw slow methodical attack if Trump takes seriously media industry (as he normally does). But seeks to capture castles when possible and destroy when impossible.
Hiring Managers will typically look to their HR rep/partner to define the entire process, define criteria, qualifications, work with recruiters, navigate ATS, screen candidates, and define measures of candidate success throughout an interview process. Each step is compromised by not just woke ideology, but a broken way of hiring and thinking about candidate evaluation. As you allude to in the article, before hiring was woke, it was still humiliating and tedious. This comes directly from an arrogant culture of HR that loves gatekeeping because it thinks gate-keeping is "adding value". It's rotten turtles all the way down.
I recently spent ten minutes poking around the AINO university system. I was researching graduate and certificate programs. Of course, like when I look for a job, all of the imagery excludes people who look like me. I am no where to be seen unless it is on the outer edges or stuffed in the back, and even then, the markers are not of a masculine, confident man who both desires and is desired by attractive women - especially those who look like my mother and my grandmothers and theirs in turn into the mists of time.
Aside from that constant and clearly intentional status hierarchy message and the humiliations it seems intended to create there was a substantive theme here. In just these few minutes I had a look at how far gone and just how colonized our institutions are:
Here is the student list of a Colorado St. professor: http://engr.colostate.edu/~sudeep/students
Check out the state school of Pennsylvania. A state that is still majority white and whose people built, maintain and fund those Universities on top of the welfare they hand to non-whites.
The last 30 seconds of this one says it all: https://www.engr.psu.edu/assets/videos/ThisisMyPennState_FINAL_lowres.mp4
Note the scholarship program. They can't find any poor whites in Pennsyltucky?
Then there is Carnegie-Mellon and its Engineering School. A couple years back I marveled at how Asians were dominating the faculty and administration of its STEM Departments and how they had embraced DIE anti-Whitism. They were bragging about a project to get "diverse", students in and basically coddle them with extra tutoring, financial assistance, even more extra tutoring and self esteem counseling ... ...
I went back to see how well Rufo has done there and how well the woke has been put away.
Here is the directory of their College of Engineering administration: https://engineering.cmu.edu/directory/index.html
What is most interesting is that they have opened up a CMU Africa program. Notice how many administration roles are filled by their African project. Of course we know where this is headed and why. The GAE can't compete with China in Africa, so this is yet another continent that the GAE will use to further colonize post-America in order that "We" can win in the competition for who controls Africa. But what about Americans? Why is there no CMU Appalachia project? I mean, West Virginian low borns helped design the rocketry that got us into space just a few decades ago. Why is there no CMU RustBelt project? There is a CMU Inner City project and it is called DIE and affirmative action. In other words, there is something for everyone but us.
The Woke may be put away, but it accomplished its goal. Rufo, having done nothing of substance, is its handmaiden. He is dutifully helping it to consolidate its gains as he sends us away from the gilded path and to the Chipotle and the Panda Express. On top of that humiliation, it isn't even our food to enjoy. You can manage the food court, but even the food won't be of you and your kind. And they wonder why the Anglo Saxon long passed the beginning stages.
It is time for Rufo to prove he isn't a fraud. Even his scalps seem symbolic. I think Claudine Gay, while losing her figurehead position, is still on faculty and making $900K a year. The years she spent doing destructive iconoclasm of American and European culture on Harvard's campus was never mentioned as a problem nor was restitution and restoration discussed or punishment handed out.
He pats himself on the back for a job never really started. Then he says, "Go get a job managing Chipotle!"
I/we say back to him: Go end this system of anti-White discrimination. Otherwise, he looks like just another White striver who got his, but for whom privation, sacrifice and real, meaningful and significant solutions aren't worth sacrificing the perch he can look down from and lecture others about. In post-America, the second lowest status thing you can be is a White man. The lowest status thing you can be is a White man who is proud of his heritage, and connected to his ancestors, himself and his ambitions and those of his children and descendants into eternity.
Rufo is the shining example of what post-America offers White men. You can have status if you pretend to fight the system such that you bolster it, and if you scold White men and tell them to accept their place. You can bolster your position if you promote colorblindness where colorblindness really means that White men must pretend the other races and the government of by and for them don't see color. Moreover, you must never ever speak on your behalf and meaningfully advocate for yourself.
It doesn't end there. Rufo is the consummate poster child of The Regime's Apparatchiks of The Honey-Trap-Pseudo-Right. You can criticize the anti-White discrimination of "affirmative action" if you say it harms Asians. But you cannot say it hurts White men. So what does it offer White men? You can Rufo yourself and miscegenate out. Voila! Your children are now Asian. The wonders, benefits and magic of being, "colorblind."
We must mercilessly shame Rufo as a fraud and challenge him to prove otherwise. In 5 minutes I found those links I posted above. I could have kept going if I had the stomach to see what we all know to be true. This is also why our kind and only our kind will ever be legitimate advocates for us.
If Rufo and the system he guards won't do the right thing, we will become men who, like Romulus, went into the wilderness and suckled at the wolf and who will go out and found a new Rome. With OGC and other organizations formal and informal we are already doing so. It won't be easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is. Chin up men. All is not lost. In fact, we have only been forced to begin to find ourselves again.
Carpe Diem!
The biggest failure of Boomers is their refusal to see their role in passing down status. That, not money or anything else, is the measure of success for a parent or generation. Has society been stewarded such that your sons' virtue is reflected by his status? It has not, so what our fathers regarded as virtue is itself put to question. Discounting outside factors, if their virtues failed to preserve society for their posterity either they were lacking or had wrong ideas about what constitutes virtue.
Considering our context and outside factors, boomers lack the courage--and often wisdom--to do more than "play the game" they have been given. They refused to recognize the state as a tool they MUST wield to define the rules for themselves, instead seeing it only as an enemy. If the state is not answerable to you and yours--not to mention if it is actively seeking to prevent our people's influence over it--that means war, that means revolution. It is this lack of accepting some form of footing which prepares the future to take back what is ours which disgusts us the most. Instead they choose to ignore it all and accept the offer of our enemies to defend their wealth so long as they only piss it away.
As an aside, there was a notion going around with all of this that America "would never have a class system". That's retarded. You can't expect to preserve status and its associated virtues while refusing to acknowledge their existence. To be clear, we don't want a class system of a foreign people, such as India's--which formed from India's context where the Brahman are of Indo-European admixture ruling over the native race--we want a Saxon class system where first sons of virtue are stewards of blood and soil. The other classes are composed of second sons and free peasants, and aren't seen as lesser as much as complimentary. They too should be virtuous in the mold defended by the first sons, with the chance to be promoted as opportunity permits, but have their own roles to play. Crucially, the classes should not be or become ethnically distinct from one another. But regardless of what American class should look like, there is no such thing as a classless society, and similar to race, ignoring class as a distinction is blinding yourself to an aspect of political reality.
I do NOT think white immigrants (i.e. eastern Europeans or people from the Home Counties), are being discriminated against, since both Democrats and Republicans want educated immigrants, and the Republicans have always wanted WHITE immigrants. Also, I don't think white non-heteronormatives are being discriminated against, or poverty-stricken whites: diversity measures include increasing the number of non-heteronormatives, and Republicans have condemned affirmative action for minorities, women, and the poor.
Since Appalachian people have legislature protecting them from discrimination (I was surprised to find this out), and "white trash," "Poor Whites," "Kallikaks," and hill families from Upstate New York (a la the Jukes), are white ethnics: thus they would not be discriminated against.
The only people who would be discriminated against would be debt-ridden Anglo-Saxons (as they are not poor), and middle class Anglo-Saxons... and the middle class do not need protection: I oppose affirmative action, tokenism, and hiring minorities (like women, 45% of the population), and the poor for less pay, but affirmative action is understandable although misguided.
Whether or not debt-ridden Anglo-Saxons need protection is a different matter obviously, but I do not think they do if they are debt-ridden because they stupidly invested in bad deals (like venture capitalism), or bought houses they couldn't afford: thus I have no sympathy for middle class people of ANY race or sex who lost jobs because of economic recessions and downturns since 1968.
My sympathy is for factory workers who lost jobs because big business had to close down the plants to save money, clerks ranging from entry-level (i.e. people who make working class wages rather than middle-class ones), to ones making over 100,000 dollars a year, who lost their jobs because of layoffs, or food workers and managers who were laid off because of competition.
My sympathies are for store workers and receptionists who lost employment because of downsizing, and for the CHILDREN of alcoholics and the debt-ridden, these children needing a helping hand to get them gainful employment in the face of competition from the middle class.
Blue collar millionaires exist, and there is job mobility for clerks and store workers: people have been saying since the 1950s you don't need to go to higher education. People have been talking about student debt since 1971.
I should say most education in the West (and in socialist countries and formerly socialist countries), is poor,and I believe this can be traced to the Elizabethan period before the Spanish Armada (I think the decline in education can be attributed to the turmoil of the time, including the poor European economy, which in turn dates back to competition between European silver and gold from the Islamic world and East Asia in the 1300s).
There is massive anti-White discrimination in America. It is institutionalized. At this point it is obvious and non-controversial to say this.
China and India are socialist/post-socialist so is their education poor?
The European age of exploration was not possible without massive re-discovery of our Greek and Roman ancestor's science and math. Indeed it ushered in the next European wave of scientific and engineering discovery and invention. Columbus mapped the winds, water tides, currents, land tides ... of the Atlantic crossings and the near entirety of the Carribbean. Other European navigators did the same across the world. Modern physics, calculus and many of their applications... ... were developed and used in the competition for dominion over the oceans amongst the European powers. The initial societal impetus behind those voyages was the fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans.
The European/American prowess in space exploration stands on the shoulders of the giants who showed our prowess sailing and exploring the world's oceans. The latter will eventually be seen as the natural and necessary precursor of the former. All of the evidence examining your claim about European exploration inhibiting our acquisition of knowledge is the opposite of the reality of the matter.
Remember that acquiring knowledge and making discoveries and inventions is different from modern technocratic credentialing that has been mislabeled as education.
As for your point about education in The West, the timeline seems wrong and those claims are falsifiable too. The West invented the systems of education used around the world wherever Occidental man brought them. There are a few other things to consider:
Much of the innovation and technological and engineering progress of the past 600 years took place in Northern Europe and North America and much of it, almost in its entirety was not reliant on the education system as we think of it today. America's education system has declined since the Civil Rights Regime was enacted. Universities went from being a place for a true elite; not to get technocratic training but to be acculturated for the purposes of being statesmen or their advisors helping to run complex states and empires. To be fair the technocracy began in the early 20th century but its downward trajectory was given rocket fuel by the Civil Rights Regime.
All but a tiny amount of what happens in Universities is a waste of time to get people technical credentials and much of it could be taught on the job with a small number of highly technical scientific and engineering tasks being the exception. Even then, the breakthroughs are not happening due to higher education, but due to the brilliance and passion of the people making the breakthroughs as was true from the time of the Greeks, Romans and then the Northern Europeans of the past 600 years. Much of the education the truly brilliant need to do that is the foundational/fundamental training that was once done by junior high or high school.
Of course there are also issues with the measurements of the quality of our system. They are broken because huge segments of the population that can't perform drag down the performance metrics of the very demographic segment of our population that can perform but is being eroded by mass immigration and the societal decay brought on by the welfare state, forced integration and the many destructive ills of post WWII imperial America.
There is a lot more that can be said on these points, but this should suffice and I don't want to bomb the author's post.
I was taught that nostalgia is stupid - unless you think living in the Stone Age or dying from infection in the Early Middle Ages or the Victorian period was good.
The culture of the time was tacky: the Cavaliers were condemned and the ancien regime of Europe was degenerate. In the Middle Ages, Greece and Rome were condemned as the Age of Darkness and the Middle Ages were the Age of Light.
Records have shown grade inflation began in the late 19th century, and it is well-known that Shakespeare and 17th-18th century political cartoons were rude.
The 16th century satirical cartoons used by Protestants and Catholics were also rude, and "European" inventions were in reality introduced Chinese inventions created during the Three Kingdoms period: 18th century inventions like modern chemistry were essentially what alchemists were saying for thousands of years, and alchemy was invented in Egypt and Greece (since alchemy was linked to astrology, it could possibly be traced to the Palaeolithic).
The European miracle was due to the Age of Invention, which were basically just knick-knacks a child could make in their kitchen.
I said in my comment white people are persecuted... white ETHNICS like Celts who suffer poverty in the United Kingdom, and Italian-Americans from poverty-stricken neighbourhoods who join the Mafia due to lack of opportunity (or are victimized by the Mafia).
I said Appalachian people are discriminated against in the South by the descendants of plantation-owners (these Deep Southerners dominating the Congressional Republicans, along with factory farmers and rich businessmen from the American West).
In the United Kingdom and France, you hear talk about poverty-stricken eastern European immigrants, who began arriving in the late 19th century: also, by "white" rightists and radical centrists (supporters of H. Ross Perot and Jesse Ventura), mean GERMANIC.
They may care about Celticized Normans (Richard Spencer is Cambro-Norman), but they don't care about REAL Celts.
Homogenizing whites is stupid: an Englishman, a Basque, and a Finn, have NOTHING IN COMMON.
My sympathy is for poverty-stricken whites like the hill families of Upstate New York and the Pineys of the Pine Barrens, the hill families and Pineys being descended from Dutch settlers.
I have hated the middle class since I was 16, because they care NOTHING for the poor: I volunteer at a church dinner for the debt-ridden and for seniors and their families.
Yes, the seniors are middle class, but they are lonely due to age: I have no sympathy for white collar managers making over 100,000 dollars a year, who go for holidays every year, and live in a big house.
I also worked at a thrift store: I never saw any white collar managers volunteer there.
I intend to increase my volunteer opportunities.
The Republican establishment and the Conservative Lions (both of which hate Trump), don't care about the poor, and neither do the New Democrats or the Blue Dogs: the elites were always and still are gentry, which in recent centuries have been joined by New Money like Ford Motors.
Universities had nothing to do with the descendants of King John (including Martin van Buren and Donald Trump), having power: we do not live in a technocracy, but a system of nepotism in which Conservative Lions and New Democrats get their children into the best schools due to wealth, not merit.
We do not live in a TRUE meritocracy.
I support labour unions and guilds, a wage tied to productivity and shareholding, and getting rid of the cosmeticism that gave thus Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Caitlyn Jenner.
America was NEVER good, being founded by nobility who didn't want to pay their taxes, just like rich people today: the labour movement of the late 19th century tried to rectify this.
There IS no welfare state: Fennoscandia, which has few immigrants, would laugh at you.
If you want to stop migrants competing with native-born Americans, raise the minimum wage so Americans will be interested in horrible jobs, and cultural liberalism has NOTHING to do with a bad economy.
Critics of Marxism will say the Chinese educational system is poor; India's educational system has a Hindu bias about how the British persecuted them, when in fact Indian kingdoms attacked the British first.
You have made a great case for DOGE abolishing the Dept Of Education on the grounds that it has utterly failed.
I made specific points which can be fact-checked in history and science books, and I know these points based on firsthand experience: I grew up in England and consume British news, including rightist newspapers. It made the news when it was discovered that nearly all the U.S presidents are descended from King John, and Martin van Buren's family tree shows he is descended from King John.
Anyone who conflates Blue Dogs and Bernie Bros should get their heads examined, and I said Poor Whites are being persecuted.
I condemned Obama and Hillary, and Christians HATE Caitlyn Jenner. Two of my great-grandfathers fought against the Soviets in the Winter and Continuation Wars, and my father was on the Russian border in 1988: you will see in my previous comment I condemned Marxism and defended the British Empire.
The neoreactionary movement and the British, Canadian, French, and Russian, conservative movements, would agree that the United States was never good.
I am a Canadian who has voted for multiple local conservative politicians, and whilst you say white people are being persecuted, I did not sit on my ar$e, but instead did something to help poverty-stricken and debt-ridden whites, as well as lonely seniors.
(I should have said at the thrift store and the church we help poor people as well.) Do YOU volunteer or do you think whites should work slave wages and multiple jobs?
It would appear it is NOT the left who are trying to persecute whites, but you and your ilk: either the Big Money Trump rails against, or classical liberals like Little Marco Rubio, Lyin' Ted Cruz, Crazy Carly Fiorina, Sleepy Ben Carson, Jeb "your brother didn't keep us safe on 9/11" Bush, Dubya, "Vice" Cheney, Mitt "human meme generator" Romney, or the late John "failure" McCain.
Trump would agree with everything I have said, and blast you.
DEI is only the last bastard child of the rotten affirmative action regime and American progressivism. Regardless of his apparant commitment to liberalism, Rufo was instrumental in making the mockery of DEI mainstream. It was not possible to laugh at it 10 years ago. IOT achieve that, some care needs to be paid to "boomer con" sensibilities and mantras. However, I agree with the general sentiment and the HR Cartel needs to be dismantled. They are the "commissars" of the administrative state and the enforcers of leftist social engeneering.
I highly recommend this book about "bullshit meritocracy" under the administrative regime of the Qing Dynasty.
Completely agree. I would love to see a shift away from this HR DEI focus.
Another avenue of attack must be making DEI low class.
I know its big idea and somewhat hard to do but it can be accomplished throw slow methodical attack if Trump takes seriously media industry (as he normally does). But seeks to capture castles when possible and destroy when impossible.
I used to work in HR for some big companies.
Hiring Managers will typically look to their HR rep/partner to define the entire process, define criteria, qualifications, work with recruiters, navigate ATS, screen candidates, and define measures of candidate success throughout an interview process. Each step is compromised by not just woke ideology, but a broken way of hiring and thinking about candidate evaluation. As you allude to in the article, before hiring was woke, it was still humiliating and tedious. This comes directly from an arrogant culture of HR that loves gatekeeping because it thinks gate-keeping is "adding value". It's rotten turtles all the way down.
It has primarily a war on men. Most of the spoils of DEI and its predecessors gone to white hispanic,and black females