Our own Old Glory Club contributor Charlemagne wrote an excellent essay on the sacral nature of democracy as practiced by the current elite. You can find it here. I would like to take this opportunity to lay out what I perceive to be some other sacraments of the current elite.
Why does this matter? Well, we at the Old Glory Club still view politics on the local level as a viable option. We must ensure that there will be places for you and your families to go, where you can live life as free from leftist subversion and indoctrination as possible. The best way to do this, on the local level, is to deny these leftists their sacraments in places that we control. Fundamentally, this is a basic anti-access/area denial strategy to solidify red areas of the country in order to make them healthier, stronger springboards for the reconquest of purple — then ultimately blue — areas.
Other sacraments of the enemy which I have identified are as follows:
Loss of sexual innocence. Contained within are a few flavors:
Teaching children about non-reproductive sex
Transitioning children
The chrism of “Our Democracy.”
Veneration of minority groups.
Veneration of violent criminals.
The “principle of inversion,” a.k.a. the turning of anything strong or stable inside-out so that it may be used against itself or what it originally stood for.
Use and abuse of drugs — specifically marijuana today, but psychedelic and other drugs during the 1960s–1970s.
The levelling of all individuals in a society to the lowest common denominator, a.k.a. “equity.”
As you can see, the commonality here is the loss of innocence in any form. Loss of sexual innocence and abortion/birth control go hand in hand, each reinforcing the other. Obviously, once one looks at crime statistics by racial demographic, it is not hard to identify a correlation between worship of minorities and veneration of criminals. (“‘Corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture.’ … ‘They’re the same picture.’”) Why is the black population sacred to our enemies? Because they discovered that they are the perfect victim group. The Weather Underground of the 1960s–1970s were not hard enough to kill intentionally. However, the radicalized black population was. The left understood this and utilized that population group as the most violent edge of their movement.
Tangential to this is also the modern left’s recognition of the black population’s lackluster performance since the Civil Rights Era. The left had two options: first, admit that the Sowellian center-right was correct about the Great Society and many of the social programs of the 1960s; or double down. Even though that population has been granted all the help they have ever requested, achievement gaps still persist between racial groups. Critical Race Theory is the tacit admission by the extreme left that group differences exist. Of course, since they believe in the “blank slate,” all differences are not inherent and must be due to environmental factors. This is why they will continue to blame the white population, whose “racism” has been the source of the black population’s ills, or so the narrative goes. As you can see, this “equity” policy is an endless mechanism for levelling all people to the lowest common denominator.
This is but one example of how the sacraments function. So, how does knowledge of these abominable sacraments help you? Because we are living through unrestricted warfare — spiritual as well as physical and psychological — against us. Only through knowledge of the sacraments of the enemy can we possibly begin Reconquista. By controlling localities and implementing lawfare against our enemies, we can secure areas by driving out our enemies and preventing them from conquering new areas.
These sacraments are indeed very costly, financially and personally, for our enemies to partake in. It is good to deny them the ability to extract resources from any local population or from our friends. Forcing them to pay the full cost of these practices is a deterrent to making this lifestyle seem attractive. The more sacraments we deny or make prohibitively costly and inconvenient, the less often leftists will consider red states/red areas attractive to move to. Forcing them to go to great expense and inconvenience will help us clear them out by nudging them out of areas we control. The more sacraments of your own religion you can partake in, and the fewer sacraments the enemy is allowed to complete, the more we win.
What is to be done about #3 and #8? Incentive/disincentive environmental pressure? Education?